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less is more

May 29, 2016 - Daily Notes, From the Editor

Sweet clover grows through the sidewalk cracks. Have you ever noticed that the bumblebees don't care where it roots? Only that it does and that it blooms.

Summer has arrived bustling with an abundance of sunshine and hope for longer days to bring love requited, success unfolded, creativity found, and accomplishments made.

I am watching my bank account hover precariously near not enough this year and remembering what my mother said about money. "It comes and goes, and wherever the numbers are, that's where you are."

I find myself walking to the coffee shop softly reciting the mantra I have adopted for the season. "Less is more," I hear myself whisper while the camera sways loyally from the pink scarf strap on my shoulder reminding me that creativity is right here, right now. It does not care how much money you have. 

That is when I spotted the clover blossoms. Cars whizzed by on busy Madison Street and neighbors I do not know spied me crouching down in this odd place to set my camera on the ground, point the lens and click the shutter. I noticed the bumblebees, like me, driven to gather up all of the nectar in life and make something good with it. 
