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dream chasing

Sunday, February 19, 2017 - Daily Notes, From the Editor

(295 words)

The business of making a dream come true is not for the faint of heart. We are not given maps, and there are no clear answers about how to get there from here.

The path is often perilous with craggy rocks like fear, uncertainty, doubt, and the temptation is great to stay put and only do what we already know, without slipping, without falling.

I went away with my love to the island this weekend. Yes, that island. The dream. The one surrounded in a mysterious cloak weaving future visions into present time and giving long, drawn out glimpses at what is unfolding and what could be.

The one where, if you pay attention, you may notice one hundred little signs which all point in the direction of the dream. Rainbows, eagles, cedars, stars, a home for sale.

It is the kind of place where you find yourself whispering "yes" as magic unfolds before your eyes. Three days are the equivalent of a year's worth of growth. Or maybe they are more like a mirror, reflecting back the culmination of a year's worth of hard work, heart work.

A bald eagle did cry out from the top of the tallest tree at the heart of the island Friday morning. Not once but twice in five minutes, which is how we knew the invitation was real. To come inside. To go deeper. To say yes. To belong here. 

Dream chasing is not for the faint of heart. One must possess not only intuition and optimism--though they are critical ingredients--but also a sort of malleable tenacity, a willingness to let go of every plan you had for how the dream would come true--in order that it may.

The question, as ever, is simply do you say yes? The rest is out of your hands. So say what you feel and then let it go. Cross those grabby fingers, nice and loose. Breathe. Wink at the universe, smile at the eagles, inhale that rainbow and chase the dream.


Laura Lowery is the founder, editor and publisher of Lucia. She does her best to lead a creative life. Whether triumphant or stumbling, Laura shares daily notes (that are often weekly) here on luciajournal, including stories, behind-the-scenes happenings, little doses of inspiration, and large quantities of curiosity and heart. She is pleased to meet you.