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scene from black friday

November 27, 2016 - Daily Notes, From the Editor

Holiday jams are always 50 percent off. What I mean is we only get half of what we want. The other half is, well, that's the tension ain't it? Hold it, baby. Hike it straight on in. Explore it with deep breaths. Creativity, expansion, new ways of relating are born here. 

As we sat by the alpine lake two thousand feet in the sky, he pulled trail mix and a flask of whiskey shaped like a banana from his pack. A raven's wings brushed the air above our heads, and I laughed and ate and sipped and listened as we grew.

Hold the tension. We'll make it through.


Laura Lowery is the founder, editor and publisher of Lucia. She does her best to lead a creative life. Whether triumphant or stumbling, Laura shares daily notes (that are often weekly) here on luciajournal, including stories, behind-the-scenes happenings, little doses of inspiration, and large quantities of curiosity and heart. She is pleased to meet you.